
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Doktor Svana

What is new with me? well i'm going to start my PhD in September! I'm really exited about that, I wil be studying drug delivery to the posterior segment of the eye! (the back of the eye). It is related to what i am doing now, but this is more general and covers all kinds of diseases. Also the research i will do is mostly done in humans, which i think is more exiting also! I will graduate with my masters on my dads b-day the 21 of October:) So we will have one big party togehter;)
I've been blogging a little bit on the biogirls website, thats why i havent been doing it so much here:( those of you who understand icelandic, should check that one out!


  • At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey there Svana,

    you are right, lots of things happening in your life..congrats on the Doctorate you are about to begin!

    I havent seing you online, and wanted to keep in your email the same? mine is


  • At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hæ elsku Svanborg
    Takk fyrir fínu buxurnar sem ég fékk frá þér, mér fannst þó baðhringirnir enþá meira spennandi fór með þá strax í bað :)
    Kær kveðja Oliver Breki


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